Click here to skip to instructions for using Windows Remote Desktop with the Queen’s VPN
Adding the VPN in Network Preferences (Mac OS 10.5, 10.6, 10.7)
- Click on Apple -> System Preferences
- Select Network
- Select the + on the left-hand pane
- Under Interface, select VPN.
- Under the new “VPN Type” option select PPTP
- Under Service Name type “CISC”
- Click the Create button. Create
- Select the newly-created CISC interface.
- Configuration can be left as “Default”
- Server Address should be set to:
- Account Name should be set to your CISC user name
- Click the Apply button.
- Click Connect
Ubuntu Linux 10.04+
- Click the NetworkManager icon typically in the top-right corner of the task bar
- Highlight “VPN Connections” and select “Configure VPN…”
- Click Add
- Select the default “Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)” and click Create…
- Set “Connection name” to “Computing VPN”
- Set “Gateway” to “”
- Under “Optional” set your user name and password to your CISC username and password
- Leave NT Domain blank
- Click Advanced
- Select “Use Point-to-Point encryption (MPP#) under “Security and Compression” and then click OK
- Click Save
- Click “Close”
- To connect to the VPN, Click the NetworkManager icon in the task bar
- Highlight “VPN Connections” and select “Computing VPN…”
- Connection to the VPN is indicated by a small lock icon in the NetworkManager icon.
- To disconnect from the VPN, Click the NetworkManager icon in the task bar
- Highlight “VPN Connections” and select “Disconnect VPN”
Adding a VPN connection in Windows (versions 7 and greater)
- Click Windows (Start) -> Control Panel -> Network and Sharing Center
- Under “Change your network settings” click “Set up a new connection or network”
- Select “Connect to a workplace” then “Use my Internet connection (VPN)”
- Fill in: “Internet address:” and “Destination name: Computing VPN” then click next
- For user name and password, use the same account that you use to log on to the Windows CISC domain or to map your Z drive. The password may not be the same as your email password. If you have problems connecting and get a “Error 619” you will need to contact one of the tech staff to reset your CISC password.
- After clicking Connect you will see the following, after which you should be connected.
- Now that you have created your VPN connection, you can connect or disconnect to the VPN by first clicking the Network icon in the taskbar:
Next, click connect or disconnect as needed:
- When you connect to the VPN, you will see the following screen if you choose not to save your password:
- Finally, depending on how your computer is configured, you may see the following when you connect:
Select “Work Network.”
- If you see the following, you are likely not using the correct password: “Error 619: A connection to the remote computer could not be established.”
Please contact one of the technical staff to reset your Windows CISC domain password.
If you have questions or suggestions, please contact Ben Hall.
using Windows Remote Desktop with the Queen’s VPN
Here’s a portion of an email message sent to by Aaron Visser on 2017-03-16:
NOTE: There is one change that we need to make to this guide, on Windows Step 4, make sure you UNCHECK “Use my RD gateway credentials for the remote computer”. This is because we do not use the Queens Active Directory to authenticate our computers.
When you connect to the remote computer, it will ask for a username and password for the RD Gateway Server. Enter Your Single signon username and password. Username = AD\netIDhere Password = YourNetIDPassword Make sure you enter AD\netID and not just your netID.
You will then have the opportunity to enter your [Queen’s School of Computing] username and password.
In order to get Remote Desktop on his home Windows 10 Pro PCs to connect to his PC at the School of Computing, Richard Linley used the following settings:

Note that his AD domain user ID has been greyed out. You’ll need to include yours and precede it with “ad\”.